Sunday, February 24, 2008

Where you always get a free onion.

I was talking with a friend about this commercial. This was a huge part of me growing up. The difference is when I first saw this commercial it was an old man (his father?) breaking the sticks with him. I am glad that you still get a free onion. Keep it up big Mike.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Money is not everything.

This story from 60 min. is interesting. I am sure there are problems in Denmark, but living there is looking more appealing than here. One of the danes interviewed is getting paid to stay at home for 6 months with his child. Now that is something I could get behind. I love how this story points out that money is not everything. In a side note, this story also mentions positive psychology. This is something I have done a bit of study on, and I am not a big fan. It makes sense to study good aspects of a person, but healthy people don't need doctors. Of course I could just be angry at a professor I have right now that loves pos. psych and is one of the worst teachers I have. Anyway enjoy this clip.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

A Gift for all of You.

Today is the arrival of the new album by Derek Porter. I am proud to say I helped in small way, getting writing credit on one song. It is a very good album and if you were a fan of The Ways I'm Going Blind, this will not disappoint. The best part is it is FREE. You can download it for free and enjoy the music now. What are you waiting for. Have a good V-day.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Yellow Card for Stupidity.

Tonight was a fun night of soccer. My room mate (Nathan) and I (also Nathan) went to watch the match between U.S. and Mexico. I have been looking forward to this game for this whole week. The game started and the U.S. went up, then Mexico struck back. Then the U.S. went up again followed by a third goal by Dempsey that was called back. Then Mexico tied it up, and that was how the score remained until the end. The real loser was me. I went to Maggie Miley's, an Irish pub. This should be the most soccer friendly place in town, however at the end of the game a I was greeted by an idiot.

With about 10 min. left in the game a guy sat down under the T.V. He was wearing a camouflage coat, so I could barely see him. He began his contact with me and the 3 other soccer fans by saying, "what does a yellow card mean". After starting on the right foot he waited for about 2 min. and then asked "Does Pele still play." I tried to keep my head from exploding. I instantly said no and then started doing the math, yes about 25 years ago he retired. that would make him about 60 years old. I caught a glance of a soccer fan next to me and we shared a "what the hell is that guy talking about" look. The man next to me then leaned over as said "I bet he would be offended if we asked if Dale Earnhart was still driving."

After a good laugh at NASCAR the game was over. Two soccer fans left and it was down to me and my room mate again. NASCAR then came at sat by me. He asked if it was ok that the U.S. was playing Mexico because of NAFTA. Yes, this should keep these two teams apart? I said it was fine, and then in my mind noted that NAFTA would probably aid international games, given that NAFTA and soccer made any sense being put together.

I digress, the main point is not that I was not really the loser, but that U.S. soccer was. The most famous soccer player to your regular American is still Pele, yes the old Brazilian star is still more famous than Landon Donovan, or Clint Dempsey, or Jozy Altidore, or even Freddy Adu. But who am I kidding most people reading this (assuming anyone is) don't know who they are either.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Super Tues.

In a run up to Super Tues. I have learned of another supporter for Obama. The artist Shepard Faireys has made some posters for the Obama camp. I vote tomorrow and as I said in 2006, Obama 08. Let's hope it works out tomorrow. Until then enjoy the art.

Mistaken Identity.

Today I get onto the elevator in DeGarmo and start going down to the basement. At the first floor a 40 year old woman who wants to go up, but doesn't see that I am going down gets on. After I inform her of our direction, she inhales and says what I haven't heard for a while, and was beginning to be thankful of. "You look like Josh Groban." I thanked her and said "I get that a lot." And I do. Too much. Yes I have curly hair and a large nose and squinty eyes. Why is this always Josh Groban? The only good thing was that she did not ask the question that I hate more than being told I look like Josh Groban. "Can you sing like him?" Yes, yes I can sing like him and I look like him but I choose to waste my life at ISU rather than singing to adoring fans. Yes I like ISU more than 40 women speechless at how I sing "Silent Night" Christ on crutches! No, I can not sing like him. Why do I have to look like a guy that attracts 40 year olds, and not my peers? Why can't I look similar to Brad Pitt or who ever the hell that guy from the OC is. Why can't 20 year old women find me attractive? Why me?