Monday, February 4, 2008

Mistaken Identity.

Today I get onto the elevator in DeGarmo and start going down to the basement. At the first floor a 40 year old woman who wants to go up, but doesn't see that I am going down gets on. After I inform her of our direction, she inhales and says what I haven't heard for a while, and was beginning to be thankful of. "You look like Josh Groban." I thanked her and said "I get that a lot." And I do. Too much. Yes I have curly hair and a large nose and squinty eyes. Why is this always Josh Groban? The only good thing was that she did not ask the question that I hate more than being told I look like Josh Groban. "Can you sing like him?" Yes, yes I can sing like him and I look like him but I choose to waste my life at ISU rather than singing to adoring fans. Yes I like ISU more than 40 women speechless at how I sing "Silent Night" Christ on crutches! No, I can not sing like him. Why do I have to look like a guy that attracts 40 year olds, and not my peers? Why can't I look similar to Brad Pitt or who ever the hell that guy from the OC is. Why can't 20 year old women find me attractive? Why me?


Jeph Porter said...

I'm 24, not a woman granted, but I find you attractive. I also like your music...wait is this post telling us that you ARE Josh Groban or you just look like him. I hope its not the latter, because I've been telling my friends Josh Groban hits on me all the time.

little_ragamuffin said...

josh groban is hot... only because he can sing. dang, i guess that means you're screwed. =)

The Last Unicorn said...

I just realized (since you posted this picture) that this isn't Nathan Eaton ... weird. I met you once.

Leann said...

who needs to sing like groban when you can sing like r. kelly?