Sunday, January 27, 2008

Staying Current?

well, after my last post getting 2 comments (the most yet) i have decided, since people are reading what i put up here, I will try to post more often. I have no good story this time, my life is full of homework, watching primary returns, and most recently touring a over 100 year old boat with my dad. But this is something that caught my eye. I liked the first one. Props to Geetha for pointing me to it.

1 comment:

CrystalCabinet said...

Yeah post more. I need to as well. I was trying to get this thing going where Tim and I kinda encouraged each other to keep it up, but he dropped the ball. Big hairy balls. Dropping.

Sorry, I guess I'm still fired up and inspired from that State of the Union address.

Aaaaand Margaret Thatcher keeps popping into my head at inopportune moments. Pies...