Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Fw: No more hate mongering

Forwards are from Satan. I hate getting forwards, and the person that sends me the most is my mom. Most of the time they are just pictures of dogs or a lame fart joke. Sometimes they are the most ignorant things (and often fake) that I have read. My mom's forwarding brought me the email that Obama is a Muslim. On a related note she sends me one about the Islamic population in Denmark. The email is obviously pandering to hate. It states how most of the government services are being used on immigrants. It makes large claims and is missing something, you can never guess what, REFERENCES. No links to the New York Times or UN statistics. I tend not to believe large claims without facts. Well, anyway, this email claim that the fear of radical Islam cause the government of Denmark to make it harder to become a citizen. This discounts the it makes perfect sense for a Government with tons of social programs would want to give those programs to its citizens. I thought there was nothing wrong with that, and why does that mean they are afraid of Muslims? I just don't get it.

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