Monday, January 21, 2008

Creating the wrong Scene.

So last night began in a pretty regular way. I went to a show that my room mate's band was in. I haven't been to shows in a while so I was a little excited. We get to the Coffee House and there is a line out the door, already a little strange for this type of a show. We get in and I start to look around.

The first thing I notice is that the mean age in the room is roughly 15.7. And as one of my friends said, the average height was about 5 flat. Men in girls jeans and scene hair cuts everywhere. If I saw another androgynous person flip his/her hair one more time I was going to through up.

Feeling out of place and old, I was eager for the show to start, and start it did. The first act was a 17 year old girl on piano. She covered such classics as "Jumper" by Third Eye Blind, as well as songs about high school and one called "22". She also ended every phrase while singing with the ever-appealing "aahhh" You know what I'm talking about, the way people just let all of their breath out, as if each line is a punch in the gut. You might know that sound from places such as but not exclusively to Blink 182, Damien Rice, Paramore, Taking Back Sunday, and de-inflating a beach ball.

My friends band played next. They were good. Big Ace eyed the 15 year olds.

The band after that was a blast from the past. Seriously, it was a SKA band. I thought high school would have changed since I left, but apparently not. This band was good at what they did, but the last time I heard those kind of songs was 2000, you know the time ska died. There were such annoying kids there skanking as the guy with a plastic pumpkin on his head. Seriously, how much can someone yell for attention. There were all of those kids, pushing each other around. It got especially rowdy with the fan favorite, and deep revealing lyrics of "Hey, Fuck You". Yes those were the only words to the song, and yes it moved me.

The last band was a dance/techno/same one song repackaged bank. They were ok, at least they were somewhat current. The joy of them only have one real song is that I liked their whole set.

Now don't get me wrong, I was one of those kids, but that was about 4 years ago, and am I really that old. In like a gave a look to pumpkin head and his friend comment "that guy up there just looked at you like you were an idiot". Well, I did and he was. But that is not the real point, when did this group stop being like me. I am sorry I am not a vegan for personal reason, but do nothing real to stop hunger, I'm sorry I don't go to shows 4 nights of the week and "let the music take me over". I don't have time for the shit, I am busy. I am sorry I don't think I am better than everyone else because I took way to long to get my look down for whatever the hell I'm doing that night. When did I get to old for this?


The Last Unicorn said...

ha ha ha.

CrystalCabinet said...

I think I resent the vegan remark.

Otherwise, I've slowly gotten over the weird feelings you get being at these high school shows. I suppose being present at one of those things once in a while reminds you that you're over the whole scene thing... then again I'm not really speaking from experience because the scene back home was too strange for me to figure out.

I usually spend most of my time at those kinda shows (which is not very often) trying to draw a line in my mind between thinking negative thoughts and passing it off as kids being kids.

I rented "Who the Fuck is Jackson Pollock" btw. Good stuff, but not as fun as the conversation that inpired its rental.